Collection Gallery Stamps Phonecards Fun


149 Date: 2001-07-13 20:15:30 Alex ( /

Hallo Bin auf eine gästebuch tour und mache eine pause hier bei dir. Ich habe ein bisschen auf dein HP gesurft und finde es echt toll :) Hast du zeit kanst du bei meinen HP vorbeischauen. Mfg Alex aus Stockholm


148 Date: 2001-07-13 13:23:28 Barbarella ( /

Das ist ja wirklich eine Spitzen-Seite. Echt cool. Kompliment und mach weiter so. Liebe Grüsse aus Zürich Barbarella


147 Date: 2001-07-13 02:39:17 LilTreeFrog ( /

WOW! What a Toadaly Wonderful Site You Have. Glad I Took A Hop Around. Have a Froggy Day! ribbit


146 Date: 2001-07-12 19:02:55 Lanise Jacoby ( /

You have so many creative ideas! Your falling frogs are adorable, and I love the frogmobile!


145 Date: 2001-07-08 15:51:37 Esther ( /

Excellent site!!!! Compliments from Holland!!


144 Date: 2001-07-07 18:34:50 FROG ( /

Your page only gets better. Thanx for letting me look around. I've done quite a bit of work on my page since you visited and have a link on there for you. Hope I make it to your link page someday. FROG


143 Date: 2001-06-28 14:53:40 kiri ( / no homepage)

very frogggy :-) habe euch in +froggyville+ entdeckt. eure froschbilder sind toll. überflüssig zu erwähnen, dass auch ich frösche liebe. 5 zwergkrallenfrösche hüpfen bei mir im aquarium umher quakkkkige grüße kiri


142 Date: 2001-06-22 12:12:31 Britta ( /

The froggiest page on the web! Keep on jumping. How many frogs do you have in your collection? Must be hundreds! Best regards, Britta BTW: Why does everybody write in English? This page is located in Austria, so you should be able to read ans write German?!


141 Date: 2001-06-18 23:00:43 Sternchen ( /

Hey your site is really funny and cool. I hope for you that no storks come around. cu Sternchen


140 Date: 2001-06-17 13:27:43 katie ( / no homepage)

cool i really like fred! i adapted him


139 Date: 2001-06-15 15:12:41 Juliane ( /

Love 'em frogs! Thanks for this great site. Have a good one, Juliane


138 Date: 2001-06-10 18:14:15 FROG ( /

Back again surfing around. Have been working on my page so it hs changed a bit since you saw it. Lots more work to do yet. Came in today to look at your new figuriens and pics. I love looking at all of it again and again.


137 Date: 2001-06-08 22:55:45 Ernestine ( /

Hallo! Gratulation zu Deiner Homepage. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Komme bald wieder Ernestine aus Wien


136 Date: 2001-06-08 19:28:15 Rägi ( /

Hallo, das Froschmuseeum ist echt witzig und einfach einmalig, einfach toll wirklich.


135 Date: 2001-06-07 22:30:12 Thomas ( /

Viele Grüße aus Deutschland! Das Österreichische Online - Froschmuseum ist spitze. ciao


134 Date: 2001-06-04 19:06:23 chelsie blankenship ( /

this page is the BEST! I am always looking for graphics of frogs like this. Thanks for this website and keep up the good work! Could you send me something on how to get the frog things I have on your site? And could you please notify me when you get new stuff in! Thanks again! Frogs Rock!


133 Date: 2001-05-29 05:55:24 kerokero(means "ribit ribit" in Japanese) (no email / no homepage)

Thank you for coming to my HP of frogs. Regret to say that my site has no English version... You have great collection!! I am impressed with your stamp collection. In Japan, I have not seen the one with frogs.


132 Date: 2001-05-24 18:07:00 Mandy ( / no homepage)

ok like i kinda only speak english but, frogs are the greatest, that is my most favorite animal. it would be great if u find some good info if u kindly email me some info cuz i am doing a huge report on frogs for my science class. dont worry i'm writing down all my sources in the report so i want get all the credit. thanx alot. and this is a great website. ~mandy~


131 Date: 2001-05-23 19:29:22 Dee Houston ( /

I am a frog collector! Have been collecting them since I was probably about 12 years old! I have about 200 different frog items, even a frog tattoo on my ankle.


130 Date: 2001-05-23 05:14:24 Moni ( / no homepage)

Wirklich eine wunderschöne Seite. Vor allem die gemalten Froschis haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Freue mich schon auf weitere. LG Moni


129 Date: 2001-05-22 20:33:09 Ulrike Payrhuber ( / no homepage)

Hallo Cousin! Schon lange nichts mehr gehört von Dir! Habe bei Tante Greti's Geburtstagsfeier den Zeitungsbericht aus den OÖN gesehen (Deine stolze Mutter erzählte mir alle Details). Berny (den kennst Du noch nicht!) u. ich haben zwar auch eine page, aber da haben wir vor ca. 2 1/2 - 3 Jahren das letzte Mal was geändert u. ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass seit dem Providerwechsel nicht mehr viel über ist. Daher keine Adresse! Falls mir 'mal ein Frosch über den Weg hüpft, denk' ich natürlich an Euch! Apropos: zufälligerweise haben wir erst vorletzte Woche einen ca. 20/25 cm großen Plastik/Gummi-Frosch gekauf, der im Pool schwimmen darf. Der würde Euch sicher auch gefallen. Ciao, Ulli


128 Date: 2001-05-22 08:57:17 Christoph Samek ( / no homepage)

Sehr froggy, die Angelegenheit! Viel Erfolg damit Grüße Christoph 127 Date: 2001-05-21 14:28:54 Jürgen ( /

Hello ! Nice Page Bye Schara


126 Date: 2001-05-20 07:06:03 Maeda Mameo ( /

I just realised that I didn't thank you for telling me this weird but wonderful site. I hope we share affection for frogs. Maeda (from Japan)


125 Date: 2001-05-16 22:21:40 Leslie ( / no homepage)

i like this site 124 Date: 2001-05-16 20:18:35 Stephanie (no email / no homepage) wrote: Your site is aswsome!!!!!!


123 Date: 2001-05-16 09:10:54 becca r ( / no homepage)

fun stuff!!!!


122 Date: 2001-05-15 17:39:20 Nadja ( /

Halli Hallöle, Superschöne Homepage, hab mich sehr wohl gefühlt. Schau doch auch mal bei mir vorbei. ich wünsche Dir noch viele liebe Besucher. Gruß Nadja


121 Date: 2001-05-14 23:17:49 judy ( / no homepage)

site is sooo cool


120 Date: 2001-05-13 10:24:50 Marion ( /

Ist wirklich lustig!! Habt ihr auch schon einen aus Papier gefalteten Frosch, der hüpfen kann? Die muss ich immer für meine Kinder machen. Liebe Grüße Marion aus Linz


119 Date: 2001-05-11 23:12:17 Heidrun Searles ( /

I absoutly love frogs and I would love to be put on your mailing list. Great site!! Please take the time to check out my site. I'm sure you'll like my sketch of a tree frog. I would be honered if you were to post it on your site in the gallery. Peace, Heidrun

118 Date: 2001-05-11 05:31:20 Inge Reischl ( / no homepage)


Gratuliere zu der Hompage. Sehr gut gelungen. stgeber von einem "Frog" in unserem Teich, der lauthals um eine Partnerin schreit. Läßt sich auch durch Bagger-arbeiten nicht stören. Liebe Grüße Tante Inge


117 Date: 2001-05-10 14:45:50 FROG ( /

Thanks for visiting my page. I've fixed it up quite a bit, added some things, and might get it all straight some day. Thanks again so much. Frogpool is always fun to visit. Those little floating frogs are really the best thing I've seen lately.


116 Date: 2001-05-07 16:50:42 FROG ( /

Love your page. Have adopted Happy Fred. Going to put on my page. Have somethings on it now but still needs a lot of work as just staring.


115 Date: 2001-05-06 17:47:52 Chaostom ( /

Hallo, Tolle Homepage die du da erstellt hast. Bin Positiv Überrascht und werde diese öfters mal Besuchen kommen. Weiter So! Gruß aus dem Schwabenland, Germany: Thomas Hemme: Alias Chaostom


114 Date: 2001-05-03 20:40:41 linda ( / no homepage) wrote: dear frog friend i love frogs i have been collecting frogs for 5 years. your web site is very nice. please send me some websites of frogs. your frog friend linda


113 Date: 2001-05-03 05:07:11 Aimee D ( / no homepage)

your website is toadally awesome! :)


112 Date: 2001-05-02 13:24:23 coolgirl11 (no email / no homepage)

I think your homepage is so creative, and I loved the falling frogs on the lilly pads.


111 Date: 2001-05-01 22:03:02 Krista Cox ( / no homepage)

I relly love this web site! I'm alwas looking for picturs of frog and when I came to this web site I found a lot of them!I thank your web site is da bomb!!


110 Date: 2001-04-23 06:25:05 Jenn ( / no homepage)

I love froggies! I have a very extensive collection and could probably open a mueseum of my own! Great job! Keep updating! Ribbit, Ribbit Jenny ( frog gal )


109 Date: 2001-04-22 16:32:10 Gerry ( /

Toadally awesome site! Enjoyed my visit and Iplan on returning often. Nice job on graphics and presentation. Gerry S C.F.


108 Date: 2001-04-19 15:48:18 dr.dudeldei ( /

Hallo, ich habe heute Deine Seite besucht, ich bin begeistert! Ich bin Ü-Ei Figuren Sammler und bewundere Deine Liebe zum Detail, in den Bildergalerien. Schade finde ich, daß die Home ausschließlich in englisch gehalten ist. Lieben Sammlergruß aus Tirol, Michael


107 Date: 2001-04-16 21:29:03 John Foster ( /

applying for award


106 Date: 2001-04-15 14:17:31 Jan-Lukas ( /

Hy Super Seite macht weiter so


105 Date: 2001-04-10 00:14:32 Jon ( /

This is frog heaven! Beautiful and very entertaining. Congrats on your fine work. Has Kermit signed yet?


104 Date: 2001-04-06 19:42:15 Rod ( /

Very Nice site ... keep up the great work! It looks wonderful. Easy to navigate.


103 Date: 2001-04-05 18:57:03 Court Allen ( /

Oh my gosh!!!! Frogs are the coolest animal ever! I love your page! Fred is awesome! He is so cute! I collect frogs and I have about 70 stuffed animal frogs! !~Froglet~!


102 Date: 2001-04-03 19:19:40 barbara ricker ( / no homepage)

loved this sight. my son is also a frog fanatic. i guess at last count i have made him about 70 different stuffed frogs he really loves them.


101 Date: 2001-04-03 07:50:37 Stephanie Sobik ( / no homepage)

can't get enough!!!


100 Date: 2001-03-31 18:58:34 Kendra Gonzalez ( / no homepage)

Cute I love Fred!


99 Date: 2001-03-29 04:03:38 Kami ( / no homepage)

love it!!!!!!!!!!!!


98 Date: 2001-03-22 12:29:57 Kjell Weewer ( /

I realy like your weblayout, it's the best layout for a frogpage i have seen so far ( I have seen quite a lot)


97 Date: 2001-03-19 12:23:30 Chris ( /

Coole Seiten sind das..........mal was anderes.......Tja, der Frosch ist schon ein eigenes Wesen ;-))


96 Date: 2001-03-15 19:15:44 Tamara ( / no homepage)

Cute page here, I have a friend that loves frogs and I found this site for her.......have a hoppity day


95 Date: 2001-03-15 03:31:22 Meggie ( /

Howdy! Just love the website! Frogs Rule!


94 Date: 2001-03-13 01:48:01 Nikki ( / no homepage)



93 Date: 2001-03-10 23:27:48 Werner ( /

I like your froggies! :O)

92 Date: 2001-03-10 20:00:16 BEVE (DOBERMAN33@AOL.COM / no homepage)




91 Date: 2001-03-07 02:48:38 Katrina ( /

This website is cool. Mine is cool too, so come check it out! :) I love frogs!!!


90 Date: 2001-03-04 09:15:18 Andreas Tichay ( /

Hi Frogpool !!!! Vielen Dank für den netten Eintrag in meinme Gästebuch(Ritterpage). Ich habe mir nun Deine Seiten angesehen und finde sie echt super. Allein die Idee ist fantastisch. Die Navigation und das Styling ist auch toll. mach weiter so. Viele Grüße Andreas


89 Date: 2001-03-03 14:05:13 Carla Patrick ( / no homepage)

show me the frogs


88 Date: 2001-03-01 01:01:10 Darlene Clanton ( / no homepage)

I have been collecting frogs(no live ones) for 18 years. I really think your page is so kewl! I marked it favorite. Thanks


87 Date: 2001-02-24 14:59:00 Matthias Kolbus ( / no homepage)

Hallo Peter! Wir haben gerade mal nachgesehen, ob sich der von uns geschickte Frosch auch wirklich wohl fühlt. Er sieht sehr glücklich aus... Wir schauen demnächst mal wieder rein ... Bis denn Viele Grüße aus Hannover Matze & Yvy


86 Date: 2001-02-22 19:14:55 Flo ( /

Hallo!!! Coole Homepage, und echt gut gestaltet! Schöne Grüße Flo


85 Date: 2001-02-20 15:50:15 angelika ( /

hallo:-) eine toller page:-)) wusste nicht wieviele verschiedene frösche es gibt*lach* viele grüße angelika


84 Date: 2001-02-18 23:57:01 Hans und Thomas ( /

Glückwunsch zu dieser kreativen, sonnigen und ungewöhnlichen Seite! Mit Regenbogen-Bogen Grüssen aus Irland, Hans & Thomas


83 Date: 2001-02-18 22:54:43 kimberly miller ( / no homepage)

i love your site , i have been looking for a certian pic of a frog for about 3 months and found the one i wanted on here. thanks


82 Date: 2001-02-18 21:25:33 Sumpffrosch Stefan ( /

Coole Seite! Wir sind eine Schnitzelbank - Clique aus Oftringen (Schweiz). Bin gerade am erstellen unserer Fastnachtszeitung und bin auf der suche nach Froschbilder und Ideen zum Thema "Schneebar" z.B. Skifahrender Frosch Gruss Stefan


81 Date: 2001-02-18 11:55:38 Thomas ( /

Hi die Homepage gefällt mir sehr gut wie den anderen auch sonst hättet ihr ja nicht so viele Awards also macht weiter so bye Thomas


80 Date: 2001-02-17 18:44:07 Jens Moses ( / no homepage)

Ne echt lustige Seite Frage: Wo sind die Briefmarken erhältlich ??


79 Date: 2001-02-16 14:59:57 Beulah ( /

Thank you for signing our guest book,did you go to "THE POND" when you were there we had a frog adoptions site there after the death of our son in law I neglected it but plan on returning..we also have a stamp site there so I guess we have a lot in common..


78 Date: 2001-02-15 19:04:28 Jessmaus ( /

Hallo Erstmal Dankeeeeee*froi*,habe nicht damit gerechnet ein zu bekommen!!!


77 Date: 2001-02-10 14:36:08 Trixie ( / no homepage)

Love your frogs.Found your site by chance,but now will return. Very informative.


76 Date: 2001-02-09 23:39:52 lindsay ( / no homepage)

love your web page. but need more pics of tree frogs! thanks your doing a great job.


75 Date: 2001-02-07 03:21:40 Tata ( / no homepage)

Hi! I like your site.I`ve got a collection of frogs too. Have you anything to exchange? I`m ready to send you some frogs from Russia. Waiting for your answer - glad to find the frogfriends! Sorry for my tarryble English.


74 Date: 2001-02-05 22:42:08 Thomas Doussier ( /

Hi, Frogpool ist a very nice place with funny pictures :-)) - I like it!! Grüsse aus Bielefeld Thomas Doussier


73 Date: 2001-02-04 22:00:20 DeeDee ( /

this page is great...i love it!


72 Date: 2001-02-02 12:15:02 christina ( / no homepage)

Really a nice page! Normally I hate frogs, but these are pretty cool!


71 Date: 2001-01-28 18:21:31 Georg u. Manuela Frosch. ( / no homepage)

Hurra, endlich wieder Online; jetzt können wir auch in eure Seite rein. Die gefällt uns wirklich sehr, darum schauen wir jetzt öfters her. Liebe Grüße Quak, Quak, quak, quak Georg,Mani, Alex, Lisa


70 Date: 2001-01-26 20:20:09 Frog Girl (no email / no homepage)

great site!


69 Date: 2001-01-26 09:54:55 Pam Elliott ( /

I LOVE your new front page! Great job!!!!


68 Date: 2001-01-25 22:14:10 Janelle ( / no homepage)

I love frogs and I collect them. They are sooo cute!


67 Date: 2001-01-24 13:17:39 Gaby alias Eule ( / no homepage)

Very nice Homepage! Sorry my English ist not good! Darf man auch Deutsch schreiben? Toll gemacht! Schade nur, dass sie auf Englisch ist. Meine Kenntnisse sind gering und mit Wörterbuch dauerts lange. Werde aber öfters reinschauen! Gruß Gaby alias Eule


66 Date: 2001-01-24 00:15:01 Christine ( /

Hey Frogpoolers. Just a little message from your friend from Frog Mania. Love your site and the "floating" frogs on the front page.


65 Date: 2001-01-23 09:02:49 springboky ( / no homepage)

really cute and nice homepage. didn't know that frogs can be that cute =)


64 Date: 2001-01-20 12:19:08 Mary ( / no homepage)

I'm almost 50 years old. I have loved frogs since I was a little girl. Girls were not suppose to like frogs, all the more reason why I do. Girls and frogs can do anything!!!


63 Date: 2001-01-11 01:46:32 Lacey ( / no homepage)

I really liked your text. I'm startin my own web site about frogs butt I think I'll wait till I get more frogs in my personal collection.


62 Date: 2001-01-11 00:01:17 Gina Bell ( / no homepage) wrl I love frogs, I have my own collection.Way cool!!!


61 Date: 2001-01-08 12:07:53 Angelika Thurner ( / no homepage)

Hallo Karin, habe gestern von meiner Mutter deine Homepage bekommen und musste ich gleich mal nachschauen, deine Sammlung ist wirklich beachtlich. Vielleicht hoeren wir uns mal. Der Adventkalender ist suess, schade dass Weihnachten schon vorbei ist. Ciao Angelika


60 Date: 2001-01-01 20:35:44 Becky ( / no homepage)

I have a green tree frog and I hope you guys can help if I have a question or problem. Your site is great!


59 Date: 2001-01-01 00:45:55 lisa ( / no homepage)

Just surfing around and found this----fantastic!!!!


58 Date: 2000-12-27 04:30:42 Loletta Mak ( / no homepage)

So happy to find out a web world full of lovely frogs. I fell in love with frog and have been collecting frog items for more than 10 years. I would be happy to share with you the pleasure in frog later.


57 Date: 2000-12-18 02:35:26 Wanda Fox-Bingham ( /

I love the Advent Calendar. I have more frogs in the santa frog and fishing frog in your collection. If you would like the website address it is


56 Date: 2000-12-03 12:16:57 jo ( /

Ganz tolle Seite, besonders der Adventkalender ist wirklich sehr gelungen um nicht zu sagen genial. Hoffentlich sind die nächsten Bilder auch so toll. Salü von Jo


55 Date: 2000-12-01 20:07:14 patti ( / no homepage)

Love this site!Pattifrog


54 Date: 2000-11-29 05:06:21 LOUELLA QUINTANA (QUINTANA71@AOL.COM / no homepage)



53 Date: 2000-11-25 05:06:00 melanie ( / no homepage)

this is one of the best frog sites i have found, it is wonderful to see all of the frog photos, i am in texas and it is hard to come by photos fo frogs...


52 Date: 2000-11-20 21:55:49 Hermann (no email /

Hallo ihr beiden! War gerade wieder einmal auf Eurer Webseite und muss sagen: "Hut ab, die Seite ist grandios". Ihr beiden Frösche bringt wirklich was Ordentliches auf die Beine! Beste Grüße, Hermann (Kolli)


51 Date: 2000-11-09 22:14:47 Christine ( /

Hey guys! Love your site! Every time I visit, it just gets better!!! Thanks for the great site. -Christine


50 Date: 2000-11-09 15:45:55 Joseph ( / no homepage)

I enjoy your frogs...a lot of little princes hopping and hoping!


49 Date: 2000-11-09 06:58:03 Dana ( /

I have adopted fred...I jsut started the page but soon he will be with other adopted friends thanks

48 Date: 2000-11-03 03:16:27 Cyndi ( / no homepage)


I really enjoyed your site. You have a beautiful collection. I hope that one day mine will be as extensive. Very awesome pictures and grafics.


47 Date: 2000-10-30 02:50:06 Tracie Jo Knight ( / no homepage)

I love this site. I have been a frog fan for a while. I have gotten more into them since my 16 year old daughter was killed. She LOVED frogs. She was even buried with her favorite frog backpack. She has a frog on her tombstone.She had frog stickers on her car. She had frog lights in her room. We have become frog fanatics. I have grown to treasure them. For with each frog I see I think of her. Thank you for giving me a lot of good thoughts about her. THank you Tracie.


46 Date: 2000-10-28 04:46:44 Wanda Fox-Bingham ( /

I just started my site and I am inviting all frog lover's to visit. I have enjoyed your site it is very well thought out.


45 Date: 2000-10-25 22:28:17 Pam Elliott ( /

Great, fun site. I will return. My granddaughter was here earlier and she LOVES frogs so I showed her your site. She'll be back also. Again, great job!


44 Date: 2000-10-21 16:12:50 April Gaitan ( / no homepage)

April was here- Tru Frog Luva 4 life


43 Date: 2000-10-21 04:22:27 marylyn ( / no homepage)

do you have anything about White's Treefrog ?


42 Date: 2000-10-20 05:31:06 patricia gray ( / no homepage)

My user name is pattifrog! I have over 1,000 frogs ineverything from cloth to jewels.


41 Date: 2000-10-20 05:32:29 Nick Evancho ( / no homepage)

Hey Fr remember who told you to come to this great place


40 Date: 2000-10-19 22:55:00 Judy ( / no homepage)

I love accident I came across your web page and I just love it. I was looking for a prince and finally found one...we share the name FROG. I am Fr and he is Og. Because of this I am always looking for "frog stuff". Your site is so wonderful...I'm glad I found you.


39 Date: 2000-10-16 05:28:04 cliff ( / no homepage)



38 Date: 2000-10-03 13:10:44 Susan Pusch ( / no homepage)

I am a true "frogger" who collects many frogs---can't wait to see the rest of your site!


37 Date: 2000-10-03 12:27:48 Owena Rainey ( / no homepage)

This is my first visit and am looking forward to it.


36 Date: 2000-09-29 09:45:35 christy ( / no homepage)

I love the gallery frogs!! This is the best froggy site I have seen. :-) frogiegrl

35 Date: 2000-09-11 23:28:37 stephanie (no email / no homepage) wrote: i think that this is a really kool page i love frogs and this is one of the best pages yet!!!!!!!!!!!


34 Date: 2000-09-03 15:55:19 LIN (LINCARROL@AOL.COM / no homepage)



33 Date: 2000-08-30 22:44:26 CompuFrog ( / no homepage)

Gaaaaaaanz tolle FrogSite ist das hier!!! Ich werde sicher öfters mal vorbeischauen. Quaak forever! :-))


32 Date: 2000-08-23 16:34:19 Christian Ruckerbauer ( / no homepage)

Ist ganz eine liebe Hompage


31 Date: 2000-08-18 17:39:01 Pam ( /

Great job. I'm just beginning so it's fun to check out different sites. Thank you for your work and sharing.


30 Date: 2000-08-17 18:32:34 Jumpy (TumbleBugE@AOL.COM /



29 Date: 2000-07-30 21:44:06 SALLY CREQUE ( / no homepage) wr



28 Date: 2000-07-29 19:24:30 Joseph ( / no homepage)

What is it about Frog? They're just somehow very appealing. A really cute Web site.


27 Date: 2000-07-26 23:45:06 Anna ( / no homepage)

People think i'm crazy because you can tell i just LOVE FROGSSSSSS


26 Date: 2000-07-26 00:36:22 LittleTreeFrog ( /

WOW Did I just fall into froggy heaven or what... I toadly love your site... I will vist heck I will live here..*g* Keep up the froggy work.. Have A Froggy Day! LTF PS My award is on the way.....ribbit


25 Date: 2000-07-24 00:36:34 Janet frazier ( / no homepage)

I am a new user and would like to know about frog screen savers and how to down load and use.


24 Date: 2000-07-22 20:48:48 AMANDA (TOADFROGG2@CS.COM / no homepage)



23 Date: 2000-07-22 17:42:35 ginger thomas ( / no homepage)

i loved your site. all the pictures and the collections are soo cute. i collect frogs myself. my room is completely covered in them. now i have to find and make more room. i love them.


22 Date: 2000-07-21 01:32:36 Rosemary ( / no homepage)

This is really cool...have been collecting frog items since my wedding...the theme of which was leaping frogs together. Thanks for a delightful page. Rosemary


21 Date: 2000-07-19 11:45:08 Joseph Beard ( / no homepage)

A marvelous and refreshing Oasis in the desert of endless Web pages.


20 Date: 2000-07-19 08:52:11 lori miller ( / no homepage)

Ribbit. Ribbit. (Thats frog talk for thanks for the cool frog pictures) Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. I finally found my "Frog Prince"!


19 Date: 2000-07-19 02:39:05 sarah howard ( / no homepage)

Frogs kick ass!!


18 Date: 2000-07-17 22:21:35 abegail moore ( / no homepage)

first time in here. loved it


17 Date: 2000-07-15 07:48:59 jörg h. (no email / no homepage) wrote: Ich habe gerade eine Sendung über Frösche gesehen, darum habe ich endlich daran gedacht, einmal vorbeizusehen. Ich habe dabei erfahren, daß das giftigste Tier auf der Erde ein Frosch ist. Also ich muß sagen, eine echt gefährliche Seite!


16 Date: 2000-07-15 06:35:48 Wolfgang Hauer ( / no homepage)

kermet would enjoy your site!!! have a nice day...


15 Date: 2000-07-11 09:06:01 mini panther ( / no homepage)

Hallo Froggies! Bin regelmäßiger Besucher in Eurem "Pool". Kann nur staunen und mich freuen wie rasch sich die Tierchen bei Euch vermehren. Weiter viel Spaß u. Erfolg beim Züchten. Mini Panther


14 Date: 2000-07-04 04:17:28 uschi ( / no homepage)

hallo ihr beiden, ich finde eure homepage echt toll. super idee.


13 Date: 2000-07-02 18:31:46 Rahdor Soulsaver ( / no homepage)

hallo alter EverQuest kaempfer echt ne tolle HP die du da gezaubert hast muss mir mal mehr zeit nehmen und alles genauer anschauen bis bald online :-)


12 Date: 2000-06-30 05:56:37 Frogglett ( /

Your site is really cute. I hope you continue to add to your collection you have so many things I have never seen. Keep up the good work.


11 Date: 2000-06-18 14:53:30 Froschkönig & Prinzessin ( /

) wrote: Hallo Frösche Herzlichen Dank für die Einrichtung des Links zum Froschmuseum in Münchenstein bei Basel, Schweiz! Sobald wir besser mit dem Programm umgehen können, machen wir auch einen Link auf Eure Seite! mit quakigen Grüssen Elfi & Rolf


10 Date: 2000-06-17 23:44:32 kazza ( /

this is so cool i LOVE FROGS!!!!!!! but we need more froggs i think thay should make a web site were frogg lovers can come in and read pages of stuff on frogs and were thay could play games and vote for the number 1 frog in australia and thay should have a place were all the frog pics are so you can pick a frog to vote for and maby thay should get the frogs oners to write about the frogs a little bye love the web site


9 Date: 2000-06-16 15:10:25 Carrie ( / no homepage)

:) :) :) *ribbit,ribbit* :) :) :) This is a great web page!!! I love the frog pictures!!! Keep on creating!!!


8 Date: 2000-06-05 22:20:56 Tracy ( /

Cheers for the link guys. Already a fantastic site! Very, very, very nicely laid out and designed :o))


7 Date: 2000-06-04 21:43:05 Christine ( /

Hey, cool site! I love the paintings and the collection pics. Thanks for linking to me, I'll do the same. -Christine The original Frogmaniac!


6 Date: 2000-06-04 19:37:35 austin.powers ( / no homepage)

Quaack quack !!! (Übers.: GROOVY SEITE!!!!)


5 Date: 2000-06-03 10:21:40 Hatsch ( / no homepage)

Tolle Homepage! Mein Filmtip zur Seite: FROGS: (USA 1972, Regie: George McCowan FSK ab 16 Frösche und andere Tiere besetzen eine Insel vor Florida und rächen sich an den Bewohnern mörderisch für Umweltverschmutzung. Makabrer Horrorfilm mit kritischen Absichten, die jedoch in Ekelszenen untergehen


4 Date: 2000-06-03 10:12:21 Graue Panther ( / no homepage)

congratulation zur gelungen website! unser erster click wird nun immer dem "froggpool" gelten. - Es könnten sich ja wieder neue Exemplare tummeln. gut q u a k Die Grauen Panther


3 Date: 2000-06-02 14:38:41 Max ( / no homepage)

werd dir 1 unterhose in rechnung stellen - hab mich beim ersten quacker fast angepinkelt!!!!!!! gute arbeit sag ich mal tschuessi max


2 Date: 2000-06-01 20:02:04 Corydon ( / no homepage)

Holdri, nette Seite :) Ich schau öfter mal rein. Darf ich Klappi, meinen Storch mitbringen? *g* Bye, Corydon


1 Date: 2000-06-01 17:24:31 oZed ( /

wird sicher eine tolle website. ich freu mich schon auf neue frosch-bilder! nur weiter so! ho ho ho! und quaaak!




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